by admin | Dec 6, 2019 | Bob Bahr
by Bob Bahr The Colorado artist was set up on Wagon Box Ranch, down the hill from the barns, with a twisting view by the curve in Warm Springs Creek, a few miles west of Dubois, Wyoming. He was an accomplished sculptor, house builder, and draftsman, but on that day,...
by admin | Oct 31, 2019 | Bob Bahr
By Bob Bahr Let me tell you about the Great Auk. I offer this because on Sept. 12, visitors to the Cincinnati Museum Center (CMC) had the chance to see three representations of the Great Auk, a flightless bird that lived in the waters and along the coasts of...
by admin | Oct 21, 2019 | Bob Bahr
by Bob Bahr “The difference between a manticore and a lion is that the manticore has wings.” So goes a conversation with Monte Moore, a newcomer to SKB with deep roots to SKB instructors. Moore specializes in “comics, gaming, pin-up and entertainment...
by admin | Oct 10, 2019 | Bob Bahr
by Bob Bahr Mailbox money. Does that sound like a good thing to you? The idea is that you have already done the artwork, now others are working to sell it in numerous places, and all you have to do is check your mailbox for your next check. It may not change your...
by admin | Oct 4, 2019 | Bob Bahr
by Bob Bahr In the last couple of years, the people charged with the task of judging the Small Works show at the SKB Rendezvous & Workshop have publicly noted a serious uptick in the quality of the entries. They seemed flabbergasted by the level of work submitted...
by admin | Aug 15, 2019 | Bob Bahr
by Bob Bahr Kids—and adults as well—love American flamingoes for their oddness. John James Audubon, arguably the most famous painter of birds in history, included the American flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber) in his epic publication The Birds of America, and...