Angela Sauro Davis Invites You to Get Mailbox Money

by Bob Bahr Mailbox money. Does that sound like a good thing to you? The idea is that you have already done the artwork, now others are working to sell it in numerous places, and all you have to do is check your mailbox for your next check. It may not change your...

There Is No One Like Everett Raymond Kinstler

by Bob Bahr Everett Raymond Kinstler painted astronauts and presidents, Cagney and Hepburn, Clinton and Nixon, Tom Wolfe and Tony Bennett. He’s been the inspiration for thousands of artists across the country and beyond. And somehow, almost inconceivably,...

Caleb Goggans’ Quick Draw at SKB Dubois 2017

By Bob Bahr Thomas Caleb Goggans painted a mountain scene for the Quick Draw event at SKB’s Artist Rendezvous in September in Dubois. We photographed several stages of the painting’s development and peppered him with questions while he worked. Here’s...