by admin | Jan 9, 2020 | Bob Bahr
by Bob Bahr It’s not quite a self-help book, not quite a memoir, not quite a how-to. Instead, Arise, Go Forth, Create: Build Your Art Business Without Losing Your Soul reads like a conversation over coffee (and/or possibly whiskey) with your favorite aunts about...
by admin | Jun 13, 2019 | Bob Bahr, Uncategorized
by Bob Bahr Everett Raymond Kinstler painted astronauts and presidents, Cagney and Hepburn, Clinton and Nixon, Tom Wolfe and Tony Bennett. He’s been the inspiration for thousands of artists across the country and beyond. And somehow, almost inconceivably,...
by admin | Sep 10, 2014 | Bob Bahr
As Susan Kathleen Black Foundation instructors become further involved in art education efforts across the country, they become exposed to more teens and young adults who could benefit from participation in SKB’s Dubois workshops each September. The...
by admin | Mar 17, 2014 | Bob Bahr
Give these four SKB instructors two weeks, and they will teach kids with raw talent how to paint or sculpt. That’s the bottom line from the 2013 Western Art Academy, a 30-year-old program that utilizes SKB artists to teach Texas teens about the fundamentals of...